- STOPS AND PREVENTS BOX BLIGHT – TOPBUXUS HEALTH-MIX is a foliar treatment that helps your Boxwood recover from Box blight and increases its resistance to disease.
- PROFESSIONAL DOSAGE – the tub contains 10 individually packed effervescent tablets, each tablet suffices for 10m2 of Boxwood. Simply put 1 tablet in 1 Litre of water, allow 10 minutes for the tablet to dissolve itself, then apply to Boxwood by using a pressure sprayer.
- TOPBUXUS Health-Mix is a leaf fertilizer on a natural base, no chemicals!
Package Dimensions: 102x110x230
Details: TOPBUXUS HEALTH-MIX has been developed specially to repair an acute fungal attack such as Box blight.TOPBUXUS HEALTH-MIX burns the fungal spores so that the Boxwood can quickly grow new leaves, even if all leaves have fallen but the branch is still green the Boxwood will fully recover.
Treat your box plants monthly from mid-May to mid-November. This will make your box plants healthier, stronger and more resistant to diseases. Fungal infections such as Cylindrocladium (Box blight) can be prevented this way.
Box blight doesn’t stand a chance with TOPBUXUS HEALTH-MIX.Best tested among others in the UK Germany, France and the Netherlands.
Box blight can be recognized at an early stage by the appearance of orange-brown spots on young leaves, on older leaves dark brown spots are visible, after which the leaves completely discolour. In the event of a serious attack, the plant will drop its affected leaves, after which black stripes will appear on the twig, if left untreated these infected areas will become bald patches.
Box blight is only active in the summer/fall at higher temperatures in combination with a lot of rainfall (or frequent watering over the boxwood instead of watering at the base of the plant). The higher temperatures together with the fact that the crop does not get the chance to dry up make this the ideal climate for blight to develop.
Cure blight infected Boxwood: Brush the plants with a broom so that most of the affected leaves fall to the ground, this creates room for the plant to breath and develop new sprouts. Then treat all your Boxwood, including the healthy plants, with TOPBUXUS HEALTH-MIX, this treatment stops the blight infection immediately. Repeat the treatment after 2 weeks.
To prevent further problems with Boxwood fungus, you can apply a layer of TOPBUXUS CARPET under and around your Boxwood, this creates a hygienic environment around the plants so that blight is less likely